Several OPEC states will also be in serious trouble, with any added production from Iraq putting yet more pressure on the quota system, which sustains the cartel. 几个欧佩克成员国也将陷入严重困境,伊拉克石油产量增加将给支撑欧佩克这个卡特尔组织的配额体系施加更多压力。
Global oil production is falling faster than market expectations as production cuts by OPEC members coincide with a sharp slide in supplies from some producers outside the cartel, raising the prospect of a price rise. 随着欧佩克(opec)成员国减产,全球石油产量的下降速度超出了市场预期,同时来自部分非欧佩克石油生产国的供应大幅下滑,这加大了油价上涨的可能性。
The potash cartels regulate production to match demand in order to keep prices high, much in the way that Opec, the oil cartel, does in the oil market. 为了维持较高的价格,这些钾肥卡特尔会将生产控制在与需求匹配的水平上&这与石油卡特尔石油输出国组织(Opec,简称:欧佩克)在石油市场中的手法大致相同。
The comments from the two Gulf countries underline their commitment to production targets that stand at 30m barrels a day, despite calls from some poorer members of the cartel to reduce output to bolster prices. 这两个海湾国家的言论突显它们将坚持欧佩克3000万桶的日产量目标,尽管这个产油国卡特尔的一些较贫穷成员国呼吁减产以提高油价。
If so, the extra demand could tighten further global oil markets, testing the limits of spare production capacity among members of the OPEC cartel. 如果事实果真如此,由此增加的需求可能导致国际石油市场进一步吃紧,对欧佩克(opec)成员国的闲置产能极限形成考验。
The sharp fall in Saudi production, details of which were published ahead of a meeting in Vienna of the Opec oil cartel, contrasts with surging US energy output as hydraulic fracturing or fracking have unlocked vast quantities of shale oil and gas. 沙特大幅减产的细节在石油输出国组织(OPEC)在维也纳开会前夕得以公布。这与水力压裂释放大量页岩油和页岩气所带来的美国能源产量飙升形成对比。
For example, Opec's spare capacity next year will rise above 3m barrels a day for the first time since 2002 on a combination of new oil fields coming into production, just as demand for the cartel's output falls. 例如,欧佩克明年的多余产能将突破每日逾300万桶,为2002年来的首次。原因是新油田投产,同时对该组织石油产出的需求下降。
However, most analysts believe that the oil producers will elect to maintain the current level of production, which is favoured by Saudi Arabia, the biggest producer in the cartel. 然而,绝大多数分析家认为产油国会决定将产量维持在目前的水平,这是产油国联盟中最大的产油国沙特阿拉伯所赞同的。
The main objects of leniency program are market players engaged in production and business operations who participate in cartel. 宽恕制度适用的主体对象是实施卡特尔违法行为的从事生产经营活动的市场主体。